Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Last Take

as I stumble with these words

you know I won't fumble because
this is you and me
you meant the world to me
you're the words to my poetry
thin like the wind but oh so deep
you don't even have to say a word
cause you naturally flow with me
with love comes pain and grief
you're a vegetarian and I am beef
stole my heart, a silent thief
i'm a tree without no leaves
you're a miracle that I believed
so now I leave
whether or not we speak
i'm glad of what we had
you meant a lot to me
but it seems you won't allow any air to breathe
an internal bleed, hope you're happy
cause you succeed
i'm done, peace

Monday, August 3, 2009


where does love lie
how love lies
watch how this verse cries
my ears become my eyes
what-the-fuck have i lost my mind
im deaf therefore im blind
uncensored, i'm coming raw
i never had her love at all
but i, always caught her fall
i'm different, i'm mean, i am a dog
goodbye nice guy, clear up the fog
watch me bark
this isn't noah's ark
no room for two
this isn't me and you
this is clarity from the news
this is hype, like a pair of shoes
this is life, what does one do
this is mystery without any clues
this is lost, but i refuse to lose
this is truth, sorry if i'm being rude
a song without a beat
this is me
in this current state of time
this is not me being emo
this is me, on my toes
this is experience and knowledge as i grow
this is dark but still it glows
this is the forever smile i share underneath my nose
this is the smile i receive from you from a single rose
this is the climb without a rope,
but possible
but a bit too late
i'm done with this take
moving on to the next scene
to a future ahead of me
goodbye young lady