Friday, November 28, 2008

My AutoB.

my ambitions
are false dreams
blame it on Mary
blame it on Ms. Jane
blame it on Lazy
but all fingers point to his name
his name is my name
mr. procastination
or mr. scared of change
he knows what is right
but still shifts to the left lane
no sense of direction
tired of hearing complaints
other's opinons turn to pain
why, good-bye sunny days
forecast is cloudy and nothing but rain
he wants to be like fort minor
but he's not hungry for recognition
he just wants u to remember his name
is it a shame
or is he ashamed
father left him around the age of sixteen
from son and big brother comes a new title, man of the house
or more like a young man with a lot of doubts
the drought.
watch him turn green
like march on st patricks day.
-- motivation is on its way.

i like this. this is a new good habit and a nice place to save my writings. Thanksgiving was fun, ate a lot and now my stomach is mad at me x_x. Hope everyone had a great and safe Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

An old piece.

Hello. You may know me as the shy guy that forgets everything, up all night, tired all the time, no sense of direction, can't drink for his life, Mr. "Nice Guy," etc. etc. etc. Now, let me re-introduce myself, the other side of me, that some of you may already know and for those that don't know... One that writes and records songs that never get done. BA-DA-BING BA-DA-BOOM! It's almost a new year and i am determine to change so here's a try... This blog site will mostly consist of my writings and music. Love it, hate it, debate it...


i cant paint a perfect picture or draw a straight line
but with these words, i feel inline
with the world and not declined
cause i have something that is mine
these rhymes keep me together
and moving like the human's spine
without it im senseless
like a person without time my world was once dots scatter
nothing really matter
till maybe the day after
i met you
we knew each other, we were coo
we got closer, and now i cant see life without you
but what is a dude to do
when he can't have a perfect girl like you

i almost forgot,
Happy Thanksgiving!